jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010

The Open Education

My opinion - The open education and normal education have good things and bad things, both are sistems of education and repreSent the traditional education and the open education. Now I think why open education is best becauses it createS a coneCTion between teacher and student and facilitateS the education and the purpose of the teacher and the student , like the text said "thense the teacheR feElS the studentS are individualS first".

Define open education - the open education is a sYstem of education, the education is baseD ON a relation between student and teacher in principal, the studentS are no more specific things, theY are individual humans besides in the open education class the student integrateS like a comunity.

Rayuela - Rayuela probable is a open education sYstem because owner all aspects in the open education, besides that is the purpose of rayuela, TO break the aspecst of the traditional education. I think and beliEve Rayuela is the best sYstem of teachING and for the students TO leArn.

1 comentario:

  1. It´s good to know your point of view about the subject. Let´s check for real, HOW an Open education works out in Rayuela?

